Quick Tips on Colonoscopy Techniques**日本メディカルセンター/Masahiro Igarashi/Shinji Tanaka/9784888752701**

Masahiro Igarashi/Shinji Tanaka


医書JP 電子版ページへ
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書籍版 販売期間
発行 2014年9月
ISBN 978-4-88875-270-1
One would expect demand for colonoscopy to be as high outside Japan as it is in Japan. Insertion techniques feature prominently at live demonstrations and always attract a lot of interest from doctors outside Japan. Similarly when hands-on training courses are offered at international society meetings there is no shortage of eager applicants. So it would seem that many young doctors outside Japan are just as interested in being able to quickly master colonoscopy insertion techniques as those in Japan. Yet oddly enough few texts on the subject of Japanese colonoscopy insertion techniques have been published in English which begs the question: how exactly do young doctors overseas learn colonoscopy insertion techniques? Considering this problem we thought it would be a good idea to put out an English edition of this book. What distinguishes this book from others on the subject is that the various elements particular to colonoscopy insertion are broken down into a set of detailed topics which are then discussed by a variety of experts each of whom offers tips on the same theme ? keeping it as simple as possible. For the reader this offers important benefits. First of all it makes clear that there are multiple opinions on how best to achieve a given goal and different methods for doing so. This gives the reader the opportunity to learn and develop techniques that suit their own style and preferences. Secondly because this book starts out with basic explanations it contains a lot of material that will be enormously helpful to colonoscopists who are just beginning their training as well as those who have already gained a moderate level of experience. As co-editors-in-chief it is with great pleasure and the utmost confidence that we recommend this English edition to colonoscopists all over the world.